Why I'm running ...

"Nobody in their right mind would ever want to run for office," a friend told me.
Maybe they're right. But I still disagree with the premise. I'm running for City Council for one reason — I want to help make Pensacola better. And I'm going to do the work that requires. That means not "fixing" things that aren't broken. That means improving the things that aren't working. And it means not being afraid to quickly pivot if something isn't working.
And it means being part of a team that helps make tough decisions, from funding and policy — or simply being a positive face of our community. We have a strong, thoughtful City Council. We have strong, thoughtful leadership in City Hall.
I believe I can add to that.
I'm running from a place of love for our city, and from a place of love for our homes in District 1. We need to keep our neighborhoods a safe (and fun!) place for us to live, work and play. (We'll talk more about that as we continue this journey.) We need to do as much good for as many people as possible, but also not let perfect be the enemy of the good.
And, mostly, we need to be good friends and neighbors to each other. Even if we don't always agree.
We'll get into the details. And a little deeper into the weeds. In the meantime, I'm wide open. If you have a question, or a concern — fire away. I'm listening.